Using the Core-Netwoking,Blocking all the site and allowing only the to connect Internet. Not using firewall.
Problem Statement:
Create a Setup so that you can ping google but not able to ping Facebook from the same system
For sloving the problem statement we need to have some knowledge about networking and In the networking specially we need to have knowledge about subnet.
Subnet is nothing but dividing the big network in the small using the netmask.Basically netmask is help us to dividing the big network in the small-small network by using the CIDR.
The logic behind, for solving the problem statement is allowing the only google ip ranage network in the system and removing the network that help us to connect whole world.
Step1: Removing the Network that help us to connect whole world.
route -n #checking the route rule.
route del -net
Here we are removing the network rule from the router that help us to connect whole world.
Step2 :
Adding the new rule in the router. So host can only connect to the
route add -net netmask gw
In the rule basically we are giving the one network range for going out . The range is of website. Also we are providing the gate way to go outside.